15 Healthy Travel Hacks for a Healing Lifestyle (tips from an autoimmune friend)

We are AT LAST emerging from our isolation! The world is slowly being put to rights, and we are enjoying the opportunity to once again connect with loved ones. I’ve traveled a fair bit, so I’m sharing a few of my tricks to help you stay with your healing lifestyle as you travel.
Air Travel
1. Hydrate! But also know your water bottle physics. If you have a flip-top water bottle, unscrew the lid to release the air pressure before you flip up the top to drink (then re-screw the lid). Otherwise, the built-up air pressure in the cabin will cause the water to spray out, drenching your clothes, running your mascara, and giving the guy in 23B an unexpected shower. Below is historical proof of this fact. (I am SO sorry, guy in 23B.)
2. Wear close-toed shoes, and pack the flip flops. This saves you packing room, and keeps your feet from freezing near the floor-level air conditioning on planes. It also keeps your tootsies from getting stepped on by other travelers.
3. Wherever you are, look up. Keeping your gaze up can inform you of gate changes, keep you from bumping into people, and show you where to find food, ground transportation, and bathrooms (which, let’s admit, is VERY important when flying).
4. Try to get everything into a backpack. Don’t pack the blow dryer or the shampoo. (The hotel will have it, or you can borrow.) Bring earbuds instead of headphones. Pack trial sizes of everything. Keep the sample size containers from Araza Paleo-certified makeup (my favorite!), and use them for moisturizer, facial sun screen, or All-in-one Coconut Cream Foundation. You could also use Foundation Powder as your only face makeup, since it’s summertime, and you probably don’t need much makeup. Getting everything into a backpack makes walking through airports easier, and saves money on baggage expenses!
5. Choose a wardrobe color scheme. You can pack fewer clothes, and everything will go together. Also, simplicity is a stress-reliever! Choose black/white/gray clothing or blue/white/stone with pop-of-color accessories. Pack light layers for the unexpected chill.
6. Pack your own. You will probably be more comfortable observing your own dietary template. For protein, try Wild Zora meat and veggie bars, or tuna pouches packed in olive oil. (NOTE: Do not take tuna and open it on a plane. Everyone in that enclosed metal tube will hate you.) For fruit, peel mandarin oranges ahead of time, pack grapes, or other self-contained fruit, but not bananas, which bruise and smash easily. Dried fruit works well. Olives in individual pouches are nice to have. Bring something fun and crunchy, like my Cassava Lavosh Crackers, or your favorite gluten free kind.
7. Bring a treat! If you have your own treat with you, staying away from unhealthy treats is much easier. If you can have chocolate, bring some chocolate chips just for a little sweet bite after a meal. Make some totally AIP/Paleo Eat G.A.N.G.S.T.E.R. cookies (which are amazing and delicious, BTW) to bring along!
8. Look up restaurant menus ahead of time. Getting a “lay of the land” before you arrive at your destination can help you stay on track. You might be hangry by the time you get where you’re going, and this will keep you from hitting some drive-thru in desperation.
Body Care
9. Prepare your body. Make sure you are doing all the things you know to keep your body happy before you travel. Eat well. Get good sleep. Be mindful of your stress. Things go kind of wonky when you travel, so prepare your body ahead of time.
10. Get on the new time zone right away. The sooner your body acclimates to a new time zone, the more you can enjoy the time you have there.
11. Keep up with some exercise. Pack a small kit of exercise bands. (I have this kind.) You can do lots of exercises in small spaces – even in your pajamas! You could also just do body weight exercises, like push-ups, crunches, squats, lunges, etc.
12. Pack a pill box. If you normally take vitamins or supplements, keep taking them! A sectioned pill box may seem a little geriatric, but it is handy. It saves space in your backpack (see what I did there?), and helps you maintain your regimen.
13. Download podcasts or guided meditations ahead of time. Listening to podcasts can pass the time to travel. If you’re traveling with others by car, you can play a thought-provoking podcast to discuss. Travel time can also be a good time to catch up on all the podcasts you’ve been meaning to enjoy. Guided meditations are helpful to relieve stress, and put you in a good frame of mind for vacation.
14. If possible, spend time in nature. Being out in nature is good for body, mind, and spirit. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
15. Be mindful and grateful. Remember to actually enjoy your travel! Be mindful of what’s happening instead of going through the motions. Take snapshots in your mind as much as on your phone so that you can be fully present. Be grateful for the opportunity to get away. After all, it wasn’t too long ago that we were all stuck at home. Bon voyage!